May 27, 2009

Planting Is Done!

I believe I have all of the gardens planted. Again I am having on begonias because I want to see some success. Then I will become for adventuresome. I am prepared to pull out anything that isn't working instead of feeling sorry that it isn't thriving. I am seeing the first shoots from the caladiumand the canna roots. The moonflowers are starting to peak out of the soil. Very exciting. And the pansies have not started to fade yet.

May 24, 2009

Smart Pots

I am experimenting with a new type of pot I read about. The Smart Pots ( made of fabric and come flat. You fill them with soil and plant them and then can put them inside a pot, arrange them on a patio or set them in the garden where they will draw moisture from the ground. I have placed two in places in my garden where I have trouble with tree roots, making it hard to create a good growing environment but where I would like to add a plant. I also like the idea that they fold away flat. They are a little tricky to fill as they keep wanting to collapse. In this pot, I have planted moonflowers. I love moonflowers but since moving to this house with all the trees, I have not been able to get them started. So a two for one experiment - testing the Smart Pots and attempting a new location for moonflowers.


The renovation garden has been cleared and planted with some annuals and some oriental lilies. We had to move some hostas so they may not be happy. Hopefully they will just be glad to be able to breathe without all the honeysuckle taking the light and the air. We planted begonias and dianthus. Both seem to be very tolerant of our weather and my gardening skills and will provide some color while I contemplate what enhancements to make with perennials in the fall. As you can see, the plantings look very sparse but I am hoping water and food will provide a decent showing. I found out the area gets less sun than it used to as the trees have grown so I had to re-think a few of my ideas. This is when your imagination really has to be strong. Otherwise, you feel that you went to a whole lot of work and it doesn't look like anything. Stay tuned.

May 12, 2009

Dragon Wing Begonias

After much success with these beauties last summer, I am planting them again to add color when it gets so hot that impatiens begin losing their luster even with constant watering. I have again planted the deep red blooming begonias in pots but also branched out and planted them in a planter in front of our front door. I am excited about the possibility of that bed having some actual punch. The hostas have been nice but the color is a welcome possibility. I also bought a couple of the dragon wing begonias with pink blooms for pots. Maybe I will like them as well as the red.

May 6, 2009

The garden before any work. Half way through removal of the honeysuckle.

May 4, 2009

Hacking through the Honeysuckle

I started pulling out the honeysuckle that has crossed over from my neighbor's yard and engulfed one of my gardens. For whatever reason - mosquitoes, heat, something - I gave up on the garden last year. But I am trying again. This is a space with enough sun to grow something besides hostas and other shade lovers so it's my opportunity to expand my selections. Yeah!

May 2, 2009

So Much Rain

With all the rain the past week, I haven't been able to start my renovation or to even plant in the garden that I restarted last growing season. But then again, we aren't supposed to be safe to plant in Kansas City until Mother's Day and that's another week. I have however been buying a few plants. I am primed once the ground dries out a bit.