May 24, 2009


The renovation garden has been cleared and planted with some annuals and some oriental lilies. We had to move some hostas so they may not be happy. Hopefully they will just be glad to be able to breathe without all the honeysuckle taking the light and the air. We planted begonias and dianthus. Both seem to be very tolerant of our weather and my gardening skills and will provide some color while I contemplate what enhancements to make with perennials in the fall. As you can see, the plantings look very sparse but I am hoping water and food will provide a decent showing. I found out the area gets less sun than it used to as the trees have grown so I had to re-think a few of my ideas. This is when your imagination really has to be strong. Otherwise, you feel that you went to a whole lot of work and it doesn't look like anything. Stay tuned.

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