May 24, 2009

Smart Pots

I am experimenting with a new type of pot I read about. The Smart Pots ( made of fabric and come flat. You fill them with soil and plant them and then can put them inside a pot, arrange them on a patio or set them in the garden where they will draw moisture from the ground. I have placed two in places in my garden where I have trouble with tree roots, making it hard to create a good growing environment but where I would like to add a plant. I also like the idea that they fold away flat. They are a little tricky to fill as they keep wanting to collapse. In this pot, I have planted moonflowers. I love moonflowers but since moving to this house with all the trees, I have not been able to get them started. So a two for one experiment - testing the Smart Pots and attempting a new location for moonflowers.

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