July 3, 2009


Why are the periwinkles dying? Seriously, they are supposed to love our weather. Maybe I am not stressing them enough. They grow on my mother's patio where they get no TLC for heaven's sake. I planted a few replacement plants last Sunday and they are not really thriving. This is the point at which new plants don't seem to take hold very well. I know the philosophy is try things and if they don't work, yank them out and put something else in. But that only works when the new plant thrives. Pardon my frustration. I have one empty spot where the 4 o'clock seeds have been a disappointment so I am not giving up. I know bedding plants by now are stressed most places so I am only looking at nurseries to improve my chances of success. I think I also will add some root stimulator when I plant them. I don't as a rule do that with bedding plants but strong action is required.

I have some oriental lilies coming up but they have a long way to go. They were in the bargain bin so I am not sure what kind of show they will put on. Maybe not much until next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know your frustration. In June I planted several seeds, like cosmos, & they started, but when I came back from vacation I had none of those. Instead I have volunteer tomatoes. They were in the compost I put on the seeds which clearly tells you my compost sucks. As you know good compost gets hot enough to kill seeds. I have enough tomatoes - I really wanted those cosmos.