June 23, 2009

Challenging Heat

With temperatures in the high 90s this week, my garden will get a real test. So far the begonias - both Dragon Wing and the basic bedding variety (I probably should find a better description) are holding their own. After careful consideration, the two varieties make up the bulk of my planting. I have a few impatiens in pots and some dianthus scattered in the beds. I am pleased with the look of the newly renovated bed in the yard so far but it needs to fill in more. The lilies we planted are barely out of the ground. In another year, they likely will be in full bloom at this point.

I am very disappointed so far with the cannas. Those started from tubers are barely up. They ones I bought already at prime size are holding up well in the pots.

Coming next, an update on the pots.

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