June 25, 2009

Tiny Holes

Once again, tiny holes are appearing all over my hosta leaves. I thought it might be slugs but I put out my anti-slug stuff and that doesn't seem to have had an effect. I never see the creature but it doesn't enhance the beauty of my hostas. So far, all the hostas are thriving. I am giving a little TLC to a couple of them. One that was robust last year has about 4 tiny leaves and I am trying to encourage it back to health. It was suggested that it might be having to work too hard to get moisture as it is under a large tree so I am giving it supplemental water. But really, after the first year I was hoping hostas would be virtually maintenance free. So holes and thirst? I have been misinformed, I believe. However, as they are pretty and good plants for shade, I will continue to nurture them.

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