April 1, 2012

Pot Challenge

Here's what I am going to plant in the pot on my driveway that hates me. The coleus and elephant ear are supposed to be foolproof - both from water and light perspective. Standby for updates this summer.

March 27, 2012

What's the Plan?

So this spring is beautiful. I can't remember when I have seen the flowering trees bloom so profusely without a freeze. But all this early beauty begs the question, "What am I supposed to plant this year, and when?" While these warm days make me eager to begin planting flowers, I have been burned before by late freezes. Although this year, a freeze in April would seem late when it should just be called seasonal. And it's not even April yet! What and when?!

February 3, 2010

Coffee Grounds

Something I am going to try this year is adding coffee grounds to my garden. I recently read that in the spring, you can spread handfuls of coffee grounds around acid-loving plants such as my azaleas and rhododendrons. The grounds are slightly acidic and so they help lower the soil pH. The grounds also should improve the soil texture to a humus consistency that these plants like. As a coffee drinker, I have a source but the church where I work also is saving the grounds from its coffee makers for people to pick up for free (bring your own container). If you aren't a coffee drinker, several coffee houses are now providing the grounds, and a bag to take them home in. It does seem that I could quickly outdistance the amount of grounds I need. But they also can be added to a compost pile. My rhododendron wasn't as healthy looking last year so I am hopeful this will give it just the zip it needs.

January 31, 2010

Time to Plan

This winter of continual snow and endless gray days can be numbing to the soul but as I see February approaching, I am beginning to think about the garden and the lure that it always holds. Not really much to be done yet except to dream about the possibilities. I went to Family Tree Nursery, which often nourishes my soul in gray times but even they were only dreaming. A lot of busy hands but nothing to inspire as yet. 

I am left to catalogs and websites. And so I am making lists of plants that did well and I want to use again and ones that may get an audition this year.

July 3, 2009


Why are the periwinkles dying? Seriously, they are supposed to love our weather. Maybe I am not stressing them enough. They grow on my mother's patio where they get no TLC for heaven's sake. I planted a few replacement plants last Sunday and they are not really thriving. This is the point at which new plants don't seem to take hold very well. I know the philosophy is try things and if they don't work, yank them out and put something else in. But that only works when the new plant thrives. Pardon my frustration. I have one empty spot where the 4 o'clock seeds have been a disappointment so I am not giving up. I know bedding plants by now are stressed most places so I am only looking at nurseries to improve my chances of success. I think I also will add some root stimulator when I plant them. I don't as a rule do that with bedding plants but strong action is required.

I have some oriental lilies coming up but they have a long way to go. They were in the bargain bin so I am not sure what kind of show they will put on. Maybe not much until next year.

June 28, 2009

Glorious Morning

It's inspiring to sit outside this morning, in an incredibly comfortable adirondack chair (www.kcadirondack.com) and enjoy a slight coolness after such a hot stretch. The gardens are looking beautiful so it's a great view. I am sitting with my cat Zoe on my lap (that never happens - it must be a magical morning) and trying different settings on my camera to see which will give me the best depiction of the garden view. The first here is the auto setting. I then tried foliage and backlighting.

As for my garden, I had to remove the last lobelia plant. They all have expired now. Such a shame because I do love that color. I also had to remove a couple of dead periwinkles, which surprised me because they are usually sturdy choices. I have to say that the various begonias are winning so far.

June 27, 2009


I am not as conscientious a gardener when it gets hot and mosquitos get busy. However, this year I am trying to be more kind to my flowers. As part of that commitment, I also am on a schedule to feed my plants every two weeks to see if that makes a difference. Despite the heat and humidity already this morning, I fed every pot and all the bedding plants. I expect to see the most difference in the bedding plants as many of the containers already have slow release plant food in them. As part of my effort, I also am trying a different fertilizer - Miracle Gro for Blooming plants. The spring planted violets are done now. They lasted a long time, though, due to the cool, wet weather. I already had placed new plants next to them in the pots to smooth the transition.

June 25, 2009

Tiny Holes

Once again, tiny holes are appearing all over my hosta leaves. I thought it might be slugs but I put out my anti-slug stuff and that doesn't seem to have had an effect. I never see the creature but it doesn't enhance the beauty of my hostas. So far, all the hostas are thriving. I am giving a little TLC to a couple of them. One that was robust last year has about 4 tiny leaves and I am trying to encourage it back to health. It was suggested that it might be having to work too hard to get moisture as it is under a large tree so I am giving it supplemental water. But really, after the first year I was hoping hostas would be virtually maintenance free. So holes and thirst? I have been misinformed, I believe. However, as they are pretty and good plants for shade, I will continue to nurture them.

June 24, 2009


I have had to water pots in the morning and the evening as we continue to teeter around the 100 degree mark. Most things recover with watering. I think the Lobelia have cried "uncle." They are such a beautiful blue but the tiny flowers do not like the heat. I admire anyone who can keep them thriving in this heat. But the good news is that so far, they are the only casualty. Obviously the impatiens are stressed but I went light on them this year so fewer to baby. And if these temperatures are any indication, I am glad I did.

The smartpot plants are doing quite well. They are planted with Moonflowers and I am excited by the idea of keeping them thriving to bloom time. Something that hasn't happened the last several years. I love the big white blooms in the twilight and the fragrance.

June 23, 2009

Challenging Heat

With temperatures in the high 90s this week, my garden will get a real test. So far the begonias - both Dragon Wing and the basic bedding variety (I probably should find a better description) are holding their own. After careful consideration, the two varieties make up the bulk of my planting. I have a few impatiens in pots and some dianthus scattered in the beds. I am pleased with the look of the newly renovated bed in the yard so far but it needs to fill in more. The lilies we planted are barely out of the ground. In another year, they likely will be in full bloom at this point.

I am very disappointed so far with the cannas. Those started from tubers are barely up. They ones I bought already at prime size are holding up well in the pots.

Coming next, an update on the pots.